Transcription Example

Richard Alex Jenkins
Transcription Example
Including timestamps to the millisecond.
The first two minutes are shown in this example.
Audio transcriptions are in .SRT or .VTT formats.
00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:10,500
Today we'll be reviewing the GSI Audera Pro ABR module.
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The Evoked Potential module includes a
variety of Evoked Potential test types
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including ECOG, ABR, MLR, P300, etc.
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There are multiple protocols for each test type
that are included with the software.
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The parameters used with these protocols
are those most commonly used.
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We also include normative data for infants and adults,
and a variety of test stimuli that include:
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CE-Chirp, CE-Chirp Octave Bands, Clicks
and Tonebursts, and speech stimuli.
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To set up the Audera Pro hardware, you simply
need a USB cable that connects to the computer.
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Air-conduction transducers - the inserts are pictured here -
but we also provide the headphones.
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Bone oscillator, and you would have to decide which
patient cable you were going to use for the test
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you were going to complete.
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To set everything up, you want
to plug the device into power
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and you want to make sure that you plug
directly into a wall unit, not a power strip.
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Make sure that the wall unit is earth grounded.
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The USB cable will plug in here.
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If you have an OAE module as well as the EP module,
the probe would plug into the HDMI connector.
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One set of air-conduction transducers can be connected at a time.
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So, in this case, we would be using
the insert earphones pictured here.
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If you're going to perform bone conduction,
ABR, the oscillator - B81 oscillator -
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would plug into the bone conduction port,
and then the patient cable would be plugged in here.
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